On Location Events

Scappoose Auction & Estate Sale
From Thursday, May 18, 2023 -  09:00am
To Saturday, May 20, 2023 - 04:00pm

Address: 50995 SW Old Portland Road, Scappoose, OR 97056

Great family estate!! Outbuildings full of tools including an abundance of vintage logging tools, along with a house full of vintage treasures and antiques. Plus the following: 1952 M-32 Officer Jeep, 2003 Toyota 4 Runner, 2014 Kia Soul + (Plus), 2005 Dodge Durango, Wildwood 24' travel trailer, Allis Chalmers D12 tractor, John Deere 40 crawler with forks, 2 John Deere mowers L100 & 155C, golf cart, firearms, and an original bar from the Timberline Lodge. 

We will be hosting both an estate sale and an auction. The items pictured inside the home and garage will be part of the estate sale. The items big ticket items (i.e. autos, camper, tractors) and the items pictured in the outbuildings will be auction only items. There will be not presales of the auction only items, however, we are taking absentee bids on Hibid for the big ticket items, and will accept absentee bids in person at the estate sale for some items. 

Estate Sale INSIDE HOME ONLY hours:

Thursday & Friday, May 18th & 19th, 9am - 4pm, and Saturday, May 20th until about 1pm. At 1pm-ish, we will shut down the estate sale inside the house and do a room-to-room liquidation auction of what is left for sale. 

Live Onsite Auction AUTOS and OUTBUILDINGS hours:

Saturday, May 20th, 9am until we are done. Registration opens at 8am. Preview is available during the estate sale hours listed above. Again, there will be NO presales of the auction items. We are currently taking absentee bids on HiBid for the big ticket items. Click here to visit the online bidding. There will be a 10% buyer's premium on all auction sales.

Important: Early birds, please do not enter the property until someone from Boyd's welcomes you onto the property, as family is still living on the estate. Absolutely NO PARKING IN THE FIELD. We will have a person stationed at the end of the driveway to direct parking traffic. There is a small amount of parking along the long driveway and we will have some handicapped parking available closer to the home. After those spots are filled, it will be road parking. Please be careful not to block any of the neighbor's driveways and watch for fire hydrants.  For those with limited mobility, we will have a golf cart available to take you to the sale. Otherwise, it is a minute or less walk to reach the sale.

All Sales final, 10% buyer's premium at auctions and 3% charge for the use of credit cards.

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